Cookie Policy

This site uses cookies. Most websites do this. Our cookies aren’t used to identify you personally, they’re here to make the site work better and allow us to analyze how it’s being used. You can delete these cookies as you wish, but some aspects of the site may not work correctly without them.

To learn more about cookies and how to manage them, visit

Specific Cookies Used

  • Google Analytics — These cookies are used to track how people use the site. These cookies include _utma, _utmb, _utmc, and _utmz.
  • Account — If you have an account or comment on this site, cookies are used verify you are the same person when you are logged in, and your preferences. These include cookies beginning with wordpress_ and wp-settings-.
  • Cookie Consent — UK Cookie Consent is the plug-in used to show the cookie question bar – and to hide it once you’ve clicked the “OK”-button. This cookie is named wordpress_test_cookie.

How do I avoid cookies?

As long as you are on the site, the cookies are needed, and even if you delete them they will be back when you view new pages.

Most modern browsers give you the following options to manage cookies:

  • Setting how the browser should handle cookies and if they get added at all. You will find most of the information about this on
  • Remove cookies after your visit is complete. This is done in the settings in your browser (search on your browser for specific instructions).
  • Surf in privacy mode. In privacy mode no cookies or page history are saved after the browser is closed. Search for your specific browser to learn how to surf in privacy mode (also called “incognito mode” and similar).

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