God is almighty enough to be there and listen

If you talk to God, using whichever name and ritual your religion requires, then surely God is almighty enough to be there and listen.

Paraphrased quote from an unknown Tibetan monk (if you know the source, and the correct phrasing, please feel free to comment!)

God beyond religion?

tao / yin-yang symbol
The closest I’d come to a religious symbol would be the tao/yin-yang.

I like this quote because it speaks of a God beyond religion. A God that does not take part in religious conflict or war. Whatever name you use, God will be there and listen. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc, etc.

This quote tells, at least me, religion is not important, God is, and speaking to God is what matters, not the ritual surrounding it. I can use whichever ritual I like to communicate with God. If I communicate with God by standing on my head, singing a song, or even if I lash out in furious despair; God is almighty enough to be able to be there and listen.

If God can listen, perhaps so can you?

If you remove religion from the equation, how do you get to know what’s right and wrong? Perhaps God is not only almighty enough to listen, perhaps God is also almighty enough to speak to you?

Sure, mankind is not known for being the best of listeners – or even when we hear – the best of believers. But perhaps the only way to really know what’s right and wrong in your life is to listen, not to your religion or religious/political leaders, or even parents, but listen to God.

Does it feel right?

Does it feel right?

I don’t mean in your wallet, or your pride or sense of duty or the kind of right that comes from pleasure, food, drink, or happiness. Nor do I mean, the best thing to do right now.

I mean, does it feel right in your heart? Uncompromisingly right? In the deepest room of your conscience? In that place where there is an inner observer, this being that is your true self – that can see thoughts and emotions but is not part of them – if it feels right in there… then perhaps it is right?

You’re a flock animal!

So, we’re supposed to just go around and do what feels right and everyone else be damned?

Would you like to live in a world where everyone else were damned? I wouldn’t!

We’re flock animals, we depend on each other. We cannot solve our problems alone. If you were the only person on the planet you wouldn’t even get out the door… if there even was a door.

To figure out what’s right and wrong, legal and illegal, we should have democratic elections to elect representatives to draw up laws. In very small societies we could have direct democracy, but in larger societies it probably need to be representative.

The point is, use politics to come up with the juridical rules (murder, theft, etc) and use what feels right to come up with the personal and social rules (those that you won’t go to jail for, but that you may lose friends over…)

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